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Politics and Prose class: Finding Mrs. Orwell

Eileen O’Shaughnessy, a college graduate and writer, married George Orwell (Eric Blair) in 1936, and shortly thereafter he left for the burgeoning conflict in Spain. Though Eileen followed him there, Orwell makes little mention of her in his now-famous Homage to Catalonia. Anna Funder takes this omission as a challenge and blends feminist social commentary, historical investigation, and imagination into a powerful account of a compelling woman and the Orwells’ complex relationship. This class will explore both George Orwell’s own version of his time in Spain and Funder’s investigations, combining short lectures on the Spanish Civil War with close readings of both books, plus class discussions of the themes raised in each.

Note New Dates: Two Sundays: April 28 and May 5 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET Online